Saturday, June 25, 2011

TR12: I did not want to run

I have a two-year old.  He is technically supposed to be 22 months (thank prematurity) but however old he is, he is getting terrible.  He is soooooooooooooooooo busy I cannot keep up with his naughtiness at times.  So today, the day after my mini sprint, I DID NOT WANT to run.  But I HAD to run.  I needed a shot of the street legal high that makes being a mommy easier.  So, I got my almost 3 in while sweating my ass off in 20 mph winds that wouldn't even let the jog stroller's canopy stay down.  (Running into those on the way home...ugh.)

But when I was done, I felt better and even rehydrated with water (and a glass...or two...of wine)  Mommy all better.

1 comment:

  1. I understand.....thank God for Running....can you seriously imagine how much wine we would drink coping with mommy stuff if we didn't run, lol!
