Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TR2: Road to Redemption

So the highlight of my memorial day weekend was having some other parents over after the storm and eating and drinking more than I should have. It was a lot of fun.  Today, it wasn't that much fun.  Thinking I could just get back on the horse and go, was a mistake.  I huffed, puffed and walked some of the 3 miles I did.  It was hell. 

It was about 85*, humid as can be, my allergies were out of control (which they still are...nothing is touching them), I had Gunner, so I had to push the jog stroller, and to top it off, the wind was gusting (warm but strong).  It wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't a) dehydrated from alcohol and coffee and b) bloated from good tasting, but crappy for you food.  I was a HOT MESS.

But I think I needed that.  I needed to know you can't just put crap into your body and not get crap out.  That is exactly what I got out...crap.  3.1 miles in 37 minutes and it isn't even so much about the time.  It just was NOT pretty.  So if you saw my last post, you know why, I am on the road to redemption.

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