Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TR 1: Confessions of an Avoider

I have not been avoiding blogging because I haven't been exercising, although that is my normal MO.  If I don't do it, I don't write about it, think about it or talk about it.  I just don't do it and avoid it.  But honestly, I haven't missed a workout since I can remember or had a day off since I can remember.  That means on the exercise front, I am doing great.  I have ran, biked, rollerbladed or hit the elliptical for the last 3 weeks daily.

Those three weeks are important, because that is the time I have had off from work.  I have had time to exercise, but no real time for me.  I am home with the guys everyday, minus one day a week, and it is hard.  How a SAHM does it, I don't know.  They are busy, don't want to take naps, and are at the same time the loves of my life.  But the change from working mom to home mom has been hard.  During those three weeks, I have been eating and drinking as though I am burning about 1000 calories a day, when realistically, it's more like 300-500.  When Brian gets home I usually have a glass of wine and because I don't have to go to work the next day, will continue to do that.  So I am basically drinking or eating more calories than I am burning and I am steadily gaining weight.

WHEW...there went the confession.  I am getting heavier instead of lighter, despite all this exercise...and it pisses me off.  Thus, the avoidance.  Welcome, diet overhaul week.  I am doing a modified SB diet with more healthy carbs on running days.  Cutting alcohol for a week or two and keeping up with the butt load of exercise I am doing.  Especially since the endorphin rush reduces stress, which plenty abounds when I am home with rambuncious boys!  It is my only free moment of the day.

So wish me luck...and expect to hear from me now!

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