Monday, June 13, 2011

TE7: Any way you can get it in...

Apparently, Murphy has decided after raining on Rhonda's parade for the better part of a week, he might pay me a visit.  I have had a hell of an allergy season, haven't ever had to be this medicated to just function.  But now, on top of the allergy hell that I am living in, I have acquired a sore throat, congested ears and overall nasty summer cold.  Bites.

Thus, my 5 mile run that I planned became a 50 minute elliptical session.  I made it through it, but I am paying the price today. I am taking it easy, hoping to recoop and be ready to put some miles on the pavement tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Murphy is visiting you now...bastard.

    And I'm in the same boat allergy Even the good stuff with the meth making ingredients isn't even helping : (

    My 4 mile run turned into 3.35 today.....gah, why does it seem so much harder to get these darn runs in???
