Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TR3: The weather outside is frightful...

But inside, it's so delightful...on a treadmill, so I will run, I will run, I will run..  Ok, enough of the corny song lyrics!  Run 3 DOWN.

No joke though, I left my house, it was COLD, WINDY, but no snow...buckets, well 2 inches came down in the time I did run 3.  2.5 miles ya'll.  I would like to thank the playlist for keeping me going...I needed it at the beginning...note to self, prune songs that don't rock my motivation, skipping is too much work.

Another note to self, get a new phone.  One that has a camera, that way you don't look like you are doing intel on the gym for a competitor...or forget your camera.  You will have to trust me on this one, I ooops'd, no camera.

Total Time/Miles (w/ warm up/cool down):  40 minutes/ 3 miles/.15 miles warm up, 2.5 miles workout, .35 miles cool down
Run: 12 min pace/ 5mph


1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting to hear back from my cousin on phone recs....she's normally quick to respond so I don't know what the hold up is. I'm trying to decide what my cross training will be today. May have to be some yoga.
