Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tri Panic Attack

Rhonda reminded me, I have 2 weeks till I become a triathelete.  This is both exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time.  I actually had a moment of panic/anxiety the other night.

But, today, I had a little bit of an epiphany.  While struggling thru a swim session, I have to hold on to Teri's quote: 
"this is me, not caring"

I think that quote is my new mantra.  Hell, I ran in short shorts and a sports bra in heat induced craziness on Thursday, I am owning it.

Why?  I will be swimming literally over my head against much faster/skilled swimmers.  I have no doubt I can
do the distance, but it will not be pretty.  I will be thinking,  "this is me, not caring" as I side stroke, breast stroke and back stroke if I have to those last 150 yards...

And...  I will be smiling as I roll thru the bike section (because the swim is done) AND thinking, "this is me, not caring" on my 10 year old mountain bike (with knobby tires) may actually be better suited for the delightful road conditions that we will encounter.  This pic is not an exaggeration of the road quality:

And I may even really get into the "this is me, not caring" mantra if I am spent at that point and I run ala JG style, with a run walk style.

With my half marathon, the goal was finish.  I am thinking that this first tri, the goal is similar!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I totally had the wtf am I doing panic attack before my Tri to. I like your mantra and regardless, u will do great
