Friday, July 29, 2011

TR23: wimpy run (mommy duty calls)

As I said, I am really trying to focus on swimming for the tri, I figure not drowning IS important.  But peer pressure strikes again.  It was a ver legitimate question...Heather, one of my virtual running pals who is coming to Holland to do the Park2Park Half Marathon with Rhonda and I in September, asked how my runs were going this week.  I looked, it was Wed and I hadn't ran yet.  Swam, yes..lots.  Biked, yep...that too.  Running...nada.

So, I did my extra time after Hydration Hustle and ran after getting my swim in today.  It was only 2.5 miles, but I got it in.  I would have done more, but I had to pick up the boys from day care.

1 comment:

  1. I look at it like know you can now run a 5K in your sleep, so the biking and swimming is more important to focus on. At least you are doing better than I did, since I failed to even ride my bike until the day of the tri, lol! That should be filed under how NOT to train for a triathlon!
