Saturday, February 26, 2011

TR24: My first 6

Today I ran 6 miles.  The first consecutive 6 miles I have ever ran.  I woke up this morning, damning the snow and had no plans or running today.  The promise of 39* tomorrow, I was sure that tomorrow was was the day.  Good buddy Rhonda's chipper post about her plans to run 6 got me thinking...My husband just asking "so are you going for a run" paired with the vision of the snow melting off the road, well I had to go.

So today, still some snow, I still see footprints.  I watch them as I run.  I assume they are male, by the size and stride.  I keep running...and running, as I said, 6 miles worth.  Today, was the first time that I actually saw people also running.  I have to admit I felt pretty cool just being seen by other runners, maybe much more veteran to the sport, but a quick smile, wave and a "keep going" from them made my day...

Here is my run, very senic and country-esque!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! Above and beyone 6 miles! I was happy that i wasn't totally exhaused after the run or the next day. Feeling pretty good but I'm in NC until tomorrow, so I'm not sure I'll get my next TR in until Wed.
