Friday, February 25, 2011

My adventures in shopping

Today my hobby got a little expensive.  My husband jokingly calls me the spawn of "Charlie Cheap @$$" so this was something unique. 

My new socks, which I am geeked about, they cost more than the two 10 packs (for 1 pair) that I just bought my husband.  And I won't even go into the tights I bought, but honestly, I really think they will help prevent injury, and from a gal who managed to score the entry into PT less than a month into running, it's a good investment.  I could actually feel them supporting my muscles.ght

Speaking of muscles...women don't compliment women often.  However, while I was trying on said tights, (that are really really tight) and manage to not hide thing, I was asking the uberhappy and supportive running guy (who literally pranced when I told him I was a newbie) if they fit right, an unsolicited comment from another female shopper made my day, in a wierd way.  I have thighs, not really fat thighs, but big thighs.  Always have, always will.  (Ask them how I can loose over 17 lbs in 5 weeks while pregnant, on bed rest, eating over 3000 calories a day...easy I am a freak of nature who has a lot of natural muscle.  Not using it, well then it atrophies, apparently really quickly) 

But cute, thin, has to be a runner girl (to be in said specialty store) says to me, "those look amazing on, look at your muscles"  This has to be the first time someone has commented on my legs (looking big) and me be like, wow, muscle is kinda cool.  Let's not talk about the fact that it makes the scale look worse than it should, but that was definitely a unqiue situation.

A random thought on snow.  Snow stinks, I hate it, even more, I hate running in it.  But the one very amazing thing about snow is that it shows footprints.  So even if you feel really alone on a very quiet road, you can see that someone was there before you.  Running, in expensive running shoes, often with a dog, and sometimes there is more than one set.  I can tell by the stride,  I am not as fast and probably didn't go as far....but I left mine.  And as you leave yours, you also make someone else not feel so alone.  Yes, random thought indeed.

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