Sunday, March 27, 2011

TR38: Mom Run

All women have general things they think about when running, I imagine, maybe something like this (or maybe these are things I think):

holy hell, can I finish this?
That dog I hear barking, is it getting closer, or is it tied up?
Holy hell, can I finish this?
How many miles have I ran?
Oh, I need to go read a specific girl-related chapter in RLAM

Before I get to the thoughts of a mother runner, namely me, I have to mention the run itself, in order to happen, must be when she can do it, not when she wants to.  For example, it will be 38* (high for the day) around 2, at 9:30am it is a balmy (read sarcasm) 19* and a delightful 10mph NE wind.  But this is when the hubby, kids, momma stars (kinda) align and I can go (by myself, without a jog stroller).  So suck it up I do, and get out there because I can.

But the concerns of a mom on the run (at least me) are more like:

Is hubby handling the kids?  (he surely didn't seem like it when I left)
Is my two time puker, making a speedy recovery or is he puking again?
Will there be another case of explosive diarreha? (that I will certainly hear about when I get home)
Should I be running considering all of the above?

Yep, self-induced guilt...not so good for the running mojo, but par for the mother runner course.

All those deep thoughts aside, it was a "girl thing" not really a mom thing that stalled me a little shorter than I hoped, but I was so glad to get out and run, despite the cold weather and deep thoughts of guilt.  I would rather run outside any day of the week than hit the mill. :)

And of course, runkeeper's gps is giving me headaches, and I tried to plot my almost (so close) 9 mile run, but ended up with 10.10 some odd how...oh well, you get the idea!

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