Tuesday, March 8, 2011

TR29: Numbers

As I log in my run today, I noticed numbers.  I have officially put in over 100 miles into training for this event.  A girl who couldn't run 2 last summer.  I am beyond stoked and actually very proud of myself.

I ran my five today.  It wasn't bad.  It actually felt easy, but doubt or boredom can be dangerous.  I found that with a little distraction, when I was feeling a little done, I was able to knock it out.  I will remember that for my big one!

My amazing training partner is creative as hell.  She made this amazing shirt designs for our race....Corny as it may seem, we sure as heck are matching.  This is the shirt that I will be ordering myself on Friday, AFTER I complete my 8 mile run...

NO ONE would get this but a crazy preemie mother runner...the NICU is a crazy rollercoaster, you go up, you go down and you hope you make it out sane.  Most of us did, but it wasn't easy.  That is where something for yourself has to come in.  Running and the endorphin high makes it better.  It is indeed, therapuetic.  Well said Rhonda.


  1. Lol, thanks for the props on the shirt, but you are kicking a$$ on the miles chica! Now you are putting peer pressure on me : )
