Saturday, February 26, 2011

TR24: My first 6

Today I ran 6 miles.  The first consecutive 6 miles I have ever ran.  I woke up this morning, damning the snow and had no plans or running today.  The promise of 39* tomorrow, I was sure that tomorrow was was the day.  Good buddy Rhonda's chipper post about her plans to run 6 got me thinking...My husband just asking "so are you going for a run" paired with the vision of the snow melting off the road, well I had to go.

So today, still some snow, I still see footprints.  I watch them as I run.  I assume they are male, by the size and stride.  I keep running...and running, as I said, 6 miles worth.  Today, was the first time that I actually saw people also running.  I have to admit I felt pretty cool just being seen by other runners, maybe much more veteran to the sport, but a quick smile, wave and a "keep going" from them made my day...

Here is my run, very senic and country-esque!

Running in Michigan

You know you are a Michigan runner when you are up at 6 am looking at the hourly forecast from to determine the best time over the next 36 hours to  I am scoping out weather wise which is the best choice, Saturday or Sunday.  Then, as a mom, I also calculate in nap times and other required tasks, like grocery shopping and laundry...ugh.  Eats up the available hours of the day...

Friday, February 25, 2011

My adventures in shopping

Today my hobby got a little expensive.  My husband jokingly calls me the spawn of "Charlie Cheap @$$" so this was something unique. 

My new socks, which I am geeked about, they cost more than the two 10 packs (for 1 pair) that I just bought my husband.  And I won't even go into the tights I bought, but honestly, I really think they will help prevent injury, and from a gal who managed to score the entry into PT less than a month into running, it's a good investment.  I could actually feel them supporting my muscles.ght

Speaking of muscles...women don't compliment women often.  However, while I was trying on said tights, (that are really really tight) and manage to not hide thing, I was asking the uberhappy and supportive running guy (who literally pranced when I told him I was a newbie) if they fit right, an unsolicited comment from another female shopper made my day, in a wierd way.  I have thighs, not really fat thighs, but big thighs.  Always have, always will.  (Ask them how I can loose over 17 lbs in 5 weeks while pregnant, on bed rest, eating over 3000 calories a day...easy I am a freak of nature who has a lot of natural muscle.  Not using it, well then it atrophies, apparently really quickly) 

But cute, thin, has to be a runner girl (to be in said specialty store) says to me, "those look amazing on, look at your muscles"  This has to be the first time someone has commented on my legs (looking big) and me be like, wow, muscle is kinda cool.  Let's not talk about the fact that it makes the scale look worse than it should, but that was definitely a unqiue situation.

A random thought on snow.  Snow stinks, I hate it, even more, I hate running in it.  But the one very amazing thing about snow is that it shows footprints.  So even if you feel really alone on a very quiet road, you can see that someone was there before you.  Running, in expensive running shoes, often with a dog, and sometimes there is more than one set.  I can tell by the stride,  I am not as fast and probably didn't go as far....but I left mine.  And as you leave yours, you also make someone else not feel so alone.  Yes, random thought indeed.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

TR23: Wet and wild

So I did my training run this morning...while my oil was being changed.  It was good, but wet.  With snow/slush covered or ice roads and some nasty drizzle to boot...I tracked on.  I am proud to say I have just ran the longest I have in my life at one point that I can remember AND lived to tell about it. 

I could have actually done the full six I was scheduled to do, but I was a little worried about the fact I could feel a little pain in my knee and I DO NOT want to regress as just a few weeks ago I was only ok to run 2 miles at a time.  I will not push this. 

But it was very amusing to feel that at 3 miles I hit that endorphin rush, when it used to only take a mile, this has to mean my endurance (or as the alcholics like to say, tolerance) is building.  So needless to say, I am excited that I am making it there...slowly, as in 12 minute miles, but surely.  :)  Yeah me.

Now I think I am going to invest in some cool running gear...

TR22: Treadmills make me nervous

As the seem to aggravate my symptoms.  I am trying it, but really hoping to be able to do most of my runs outside.  So I petered out a little and did 3 so I could have my long run be outside with the promise of low winds and a little milder (35*) temps.  3 on the mill...

TE21: Ice storm cometh

I guess I should be happy I had access to an elliptical (with power) as not everyone even had that after the wallop of an ice storm we got.  There would be run running outside to risk 4 on the elliptical it had to be.

TR20: What was I thinking?

I think it was a mixture of the pump from a MOD event, a small wine buzz (read, dont ever do it again) and peer pressure that made me think I couldn't not take advantage of what was going to be the best weather day on the horizon....yes, so out I went for 4 miles...duh.  But I finished like 48

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

TR19: 4 in 40

today, I ran 4 miles...4 miles.  That is the most I have actually  ran in this training session.  not only did I do it, but did it well.  Four miles in less than 40 minutes!  I threw runkeeper off, as it said I ran 12 miles at a pace of 2 minutes per mile.  This is  hugefor me.   Honestly, the time doesn't  matter.  it is just the fact I did it.  Without pain or numbness.  r

Saturday, February 12, 2011

TR18: Snow, wind, peer pressure

At a "balmy" 31 degrees with 20 mph winds, inside my home ws a much more attractive place to be than outside.  But, I have a connection with my TP that won't let me let her suffer thru a killer of a 5K in near identical conditions, while I sit on a rear enjoying warm house and coffee.

So, I headed out this morning.  Cold weather and all.  Some realizations...I was not the only crazy one out there.  Apparently, there were at least 3 other crazy folks (and a 4 legged companion) by the footprints in the snow on my route.  Yes, there is still like 2 feet of snow around here and the roads are covered, my normal route drifted over...and I still ran.  Crazy to a new level.  It went well,  the first mile I kicked butt on a clear pavement street, 2 and 3 had lots of snow and I had to be I ended up with a near 3 mile run, avg of 11.22 minutes per 5.28 mph mile.

Here is the route (cause runkeeper is sooo freaking awesome):

Love you seriously motivated me out of my chair and on the road.

PT Update: I love my PT

I am more firm of a believer that certain people are in our lives for a reason.  Today's person was my PT.  She is roughly my age, has kids, close to the age of mine, runs through injury and is currently training for our local half.

Talking to her was exactly what I needed today, after letting doubt creep in and be self-defeating yesterday.  She was nothing less than uber-supportive of my training, saying this was a bump in the road, not an end.  She has some debilitating injuries that she just knows how to train around...stuff that doesn't ever really heal...and she can run halfs and what am I griping about?  Heck, she even offered to run with me (despite the fact that I am way slower than her)  I may take her up on that in a week or so...

This is her jeep by the about a badge of honor!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

TR16, 17: who says all dirty words have 4 letters?

DOUBT...five letters.  My run on Monday was the best I have had in know since the numbness.  However, the craptastic way I felt after pt, which usually makes me feel me amazing, another story.  My back was killing me, which is a completely new, but unrelated thing.  On Monday, I felt amazing.  Like I was better.  Then Tuesday, the numbess a biotch.  I am so tired of just being not normal.  The doubt creeps in...should I be doing this and can I do it? (Not to mention calculating if I can do it in the allotted time in a walk/run combo and googling run/walk training)  Damn you, doubt.  A dirty, five letter word.

So I took Tuesday off and hit the elliptical at night.  Wednesday was a CT/elliptical day as well.  Today, I split my workout:  2 miles running (which also felt good and made me feel good afterward) and 2 miles on the elliptical.  Both went well.  I have more pt tomorrow, with may fave pters.  So hopefully I will be returning to the better like I was.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

TE15: mach for babies, run for

This morning, I had no desire to exercise.  I had to force myself to get started...I literally said "I don't want to do this"  But, this may be a bad confession...but I really wanted wine tonight.  So, the first 2 minutes were rough...but then I got into it.  And I just kept going..and going...till I got all 5 in.  More than I have ever done before.  ever.

But the best part about today, was that I (with very cautious optimism) am feeling know, like normal.  There may be hope yet.  The only thing that keep resonating in my mind is...doubt.  I remember reading the passage of RLAM where Dimity was traveling to the marathon she trained for (mainly on the bike) and the feeling of doubt creeps in.  I am there.  Is the training I am doing actually equivilent to what I should be doing?  So I am thinking, because I haven't really been released for the training needed for this is to embrace a training method they mention in the book, which is close to the one I have been following, but it is a run/walk program.  That way I am training for the right distance still, but still listening to the docs.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

TE14: Won't be running outside any time soon

This is the road I live on.  See the dude in the middle who was unfortunate enough to try to drive in last night's blizzard?  His car is now a permanent part of the road as it was on top of a drift and then plowed around, further blocking it in.  Sorry man. 

We got roughly 15 inches and it is bitterly cold.  I was very content to pound out the 3.5 inside this afternoon.  I really didn't have that much in me, but I did it.

PT Update

So the weird numbness isn't 100% better, but it is less frequent and it actually seems better with exercise than without.  The PT's stance is, if it doesn't make it worse, go for it.  I am going to attempt to start adding some real runs just so I can see what happens.  I don't want to be deemed "better" then I go out and it starts right back up after run one.  I am thinking I need to ask about the orthotics thing too.

One great thing is that my foot/ankle flexibility has markedly improved.  She said guestimating without measuring, I am now at about 10-12, from a +2 (no flexibility whatsoever)  so that really is good news.  My posture has improved immensely, I am much stronger core-wise, I just wish the numb thing would go away!